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Miniaturka MTV
No Bones Dance
Nathan Barnatt teaches us how to dance like you have no bones! This is the hottest dance...everyone is doing it in the clubs! Featured Music: Innerpartysystem - "American Trash" (139 547x oglądano na YT)
okejki 27 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
Album, Speed of sound . Wykonawca, Ford mustang Boos 302 Laguna Seca
The challenge whenever we test a car is to convey just how it feels behind the wheel. The Ford Mustang Boss 302 is all about the engine - NOT a muscle car engine as you might expect, but instead one of the finest normally aspirated V8s made by any manufacturer. We loved it and we hope you feel the same once you've listened to these tracks. We recorded all of the tracks durin(…)
okejki 5 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
BMW M5 with Eisenmann RACE Exhaust INSANE Acceleration!!!!
BMW M5 Wydech Eisenmann RACE
okejki 19 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
Klasyka z Nowej Zelandii. DLT and Che Fu - Chains
Music Video of "Chains" by New Zealand Artists DLT and Che Fu. (108 294x oglądano na YT)
przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
Ostra zabawa
This was just a test shoot , that turned into a promo spot. shot with Y5-highspeed camera by idtvision hd super slow motion camera talent - Stella Angelova Dir. CIAMAC (101 990x oglądano na YT)
okejki 19 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
Wypadek Tico na zakupy do Tesco
Tico's shopping trip to Tesco. A car is driven in a Tesco store. Wypad Tico na zakupy do Tesco Wypad Tico na zakupy do Tesco Wypad Tico na zakupy do Tesco Wypad Tico na zakupy do Tesco Przejażdżka samochodem po Tesco Przejażdżka samochodem po Tesco Przejażdżka samochodem po Tesco Przejażdżka samochodem po Tesco (113x oglądano na YT)
okejki 9 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
Stwierdzam, że lepsze niż gymkhana
Vaughn Gittin Jr. drifts the Ford Flat Rock assembly plant all the way from the assembly line to the test track, onto the shipping rail car. Starting in 2004, every Mustang build has come from the Ford Flat Rock Assembly Plant. The plant pumps out, on average, 500 Mustangs per shift. While every Mustang is quality checked, a lucky 5 percent are picked at random for a full test-t(…)
okejki 26 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
Szkoła jazdy Porsche
Nordschleife Dunlop Intensive Training/Trackday - 3/09/12. Higly recommended if you want to improve your skills and enjoy the driving on the track with safety. Car; Porsche 911(997) Carrera 4S PDK - Sport Chrono pack ( Instructor; Wolfgang Kaufmann Camera; GoPro HD Hero2 with external micro, spot metter mode on(to look clearly the exterior and (…)
okejki 22 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
Nietypowa promocja singla Bruno Mars - 'Locked Out Of Heaven'
Thank you to everyone who joined us for the premiere of the new single 'Locked Out Of Heaven' tonight on YouTube and Google+ and special thanks to everyone who sent in questions. You can download the song now on iTunes at And look for the new album 'Unorthodox Jukebox' available everywhere 12.11.12 on Atlantic Records. Check for all th(…)
okejki 1 · przed dinozaurami