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Miniaturka MTV
NWO Świat Zjednoczony
Co potrzeba aby zjednoczyć cały świat? Te słynne pytanie zadał prezydent Reagan w czasach zimnej wojny. W roku 2018 ziemia znajduje się pod atakiem przybyszy z kosmosu. Bomby nuklearne niszczą kilka biedniejszych krajów. Słabsze rządy patrzą ku Stanom Zjednoczonym aby przejeły militarne przywódctwo świata. Wkrótce nawet Rosja i inne moce zastanawiają się nad przyłączeniem się do(…)
okejki 4 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
Sexi ale wariatka to duży problem
Zakochana para...on zazdrosny i nerwowy, a ona sexy ale wariatka. Zla kombinacja! Killing Love is a story about a couple in love. He is a jealous man with a short fuse while she is beautiful and a little crazy. Together they are like modern day Bonnie and Clyde... a dangerous combination. They are bound to repeat their mistakes again unless one of them wakes up from this crazy, (…)
okejki 13 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
Raj dla kobiety i koszmar dla mężczyzny Część 2 (tydzień później)
Klasyczna sytuacja - dwie kobiety i dwie różne opowieści o wczorajszym wieczorze, a potem te same historie opowiedziane przez mężczyzn, czyli film o tym, jak różne może być postrzeganie "niesamowitości". Watch part 1 here: A girl's dream date may be a guy's nightmare. In the classic he said, she said comedy form, two women and their men recount the unex(…)
okejki 6 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
Sexy & Epic Cosplay!
Reddit this: Facebook it: | Tweet it: Check out GakAttack Shirts: I've always loved the effort put into Cosplay, and most people know their characters well. I enjoy making these cosplay action videos every year to really bring the characters to life! This was shot at An(…)
okejki 3 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
Wysokie koszty medyczne w USA! LOL
These days the rising health care costs are on everybody's mind. So much so that it can make us sometimes concentrate more about money instead of loved ones. Starring: Jeff Sinasac: & Robert Nolan Directed by Tom Antos Music by George Shaw T-Shirts, Hats: http:(…)
okejki 7 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
Dorosły Pokemon: praca, dziewczyny i problemy
More info: We want to make a web series parody about Pokemon trying to fit in the world after poke-battles are banned... all done with humor and high-octane action! It's the future where the "Pokemon Universe" receives a hard slap of reality after a law is passed to ban all capturing and battling of Pokemon as the general public deems it too(…)
okejki 3 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
Uważaj kogo napastujesz bo w morde dostaniesz!
Bullying is a problem that affects us all, but mostly it affects the weak and the geeks. Fight back against bullying by kicking some ass! Do what Bruce Lee would do... Starring: Gakattack Daniel "Duane Starr" Murrell Directed by: Tom Antos T-Shirts, Hats & more: (…)
okejki 12 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
Problemy w sypialni. Pierwszy krok!
Problems in the bedroom can be caused by age difference or race, etc. But sometimes it's not all that complicated. T-Shirts, Hats & more: Check out our other videos here: Starring: Daniel "Duane Starr" Murrell Diana Schoutsen:…)
okejki 22 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
Double Standards - Women, Sex & Work
Double standards exist and are just as bad towards women as to men. It's the same if it's double standards regarding sex, work or physical abuse. I think men get the worst deal. Cheer up ladies, girls, mothers, daughters and sisters... it's not all that bad to be you! I'm Daniel Merchandise: Check out our ot(…)
okejki 8 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
Te wspaniałe kobiety i ich jedna wada
Women are beautiful, inteligent, compasionate, understanding, etc. Simply put women are amazing! Except they have one problem that bothers men. Their nagging. If only they would learn to shut up. Hopefuly this PSA helps them understand that. :) starring Daniel Merchandise: Music by George Shaw http://georges(…)
okejki 8 · przed dinozaurami